Thursday night, the stars shined brightly in downtown Savannah as The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire held it’s 7th annual fundraiser. The Mediation Center serves all of Southeast Georgia, providing civil and domestic mediation services, peer mediation...
A Day of Peace
On Sunday, September 25th, The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire celebrated the Savannah Day of Peace: Peace in the Park. This was an international peace-building event that, locally, recognized five peace-builders in our community, had a peace walk through...
New Digs, Same Shovel
We recently relocated offices in Savannah. Gone is the old ballroom on Broughton. We are now located at 427 E. York Street, occupying the first floor of a federal-style home. The new space is much better suited for our professional needs and our clients and potential...
Initiators and Resistors
In my class at Savannah Law School we cover both substantive family topics (policies behind child support, constitutional analysis of family law statutes, grounds for divorce) as well as some of the underlying aspects of family law cases that make family law so, well,...
When the Hobby Takes Over
The Gym Rat:All of a sudden the spouse you've spent 15 years with has thrown himself into some new outlet. One day he's asked you if you think he has put on too much weight. Your answer is, of course, no, but now he's at the gym constantly. At first this is a welcome...
What’s a Girl Like You Doing in a Court Like This?
It may be surprising to know that I entered law school intending to become a criminal defense attorney, specializing in juvenile work. Starting when I was a freshman in high school, I was all-in on the idea of representing juvenile offenders in criminal courts. That...
A Tale of Two Mediations
Here in Savannah, I recently attended back-to-back mediations on two different cases. Two different sets of parents. Two different opposing counsels. Two very different mediations.Mediation #1 went like many other mediations. The two opening statements couldn't have...
Mele Kalikimaka and Other Holiday Traditions
As we anticipate potential record highs on Christmas Day (80+ degrees in Savannah!??!), you may be singing the Hawaiian Christmas Carol "Mele Kalikimaka" around your unlit fireplace instead of "I'm Dreaming of A White Christmas" in front of a roaring yule log. Funny...
Oh The Things We Do. Savannah!
One of the advantages of having such a large Family Law firm spread out across the State of Georgia is the neat stuff in which we are involved. Today's installment takes us to Savannah!Just yesterday, the Savannah Voice Festival finished off its two week series...
Savannah – Firmly Entrenched
Last Thursday we were officially and quite warmly welcomed into the Savannah business community. The Savannah Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for us Thursday evening, attended by some 100 of our closest friends, allies and acquaintances. Captains...