Month: July 2014

Family Law: Keep Calm and Carry On

Tonight's post about an aspect of Family Law was written by our Marietta Family Law Attorney, Darrin Keaton."As for Phileas Fogg, it seemed just as if the typhoon were a part of his programme"- Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty DaysEveryone knows family law...

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Do Judges Hate Women?

There is a sinister mood in the air, almost as if a new Zeitgeist is threatening to roll in like a very bad thunderstorm, rolling in on a a black wave of judges' robes.Justice is supposed to be blind, right?  It's supposed to be free of bias.  That means...

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Judges: Oh Come On, Really?

I often write about how we at The Firm analyze cases and strategize our approach with such great precision.  Sometimes I think it might be fair to characterize some of it as bragging on my team a bit. But judges still surprise us.Sometimes we get it wrong....

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Divorce Corp.

On Thursday, I had the, pleasure might the wrong term for it, of watching and presenting on the ethical issues presented in the movie "Divorce Corp." to Georgia State University College of Law students who are interested in Family Law.  Pleasure might be the...

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Film Editing and Trial Practice

Tonight's insightful post on Film Editing and Trial Practice was written by our Savannah Family Law attorney, David Purvis.A few months back, my wife and I joined Michael and Shelia Manely to view a great documentary entitled "AKA Doc Pomus" at the Savannah Jewish...

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Judges: Experience That Matters.

We have a run off election on July 22nd in a number of important races, some for U.S Senate, some for U.S. House, some for State School Superintendent, but the most important races are the races for Superior Court Judge.In Cobb County we have two fine attorneys, Judge...

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Happy 4th of July, 2014

Tonight's post is from our Savannah Family Law Attorney Extraordinaire, David Purvis.It's the eve of the 4th of July and we at The Manely Firm are busy making plans for the big holiday!If you are in the Cobb County area, you cannot miss the Fourth in the Park...

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