Month: October 2020

In the Shadows of RBG

"I said on the equality side of it, that it is essential to a woman's equality with man that she be the decision-maker, that her choice be controlling." -Ruth Bader GinsburgThe world was recently rocked with the news of the passing of the legendary, iconic Ruth Bader...

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A House Divided Against Itself…

They hadn't gotten along in a long while. He was quick at name calling, disparaging everything she tried to do. They were both supposed to be in charge of the family finances but it didn't work that way. If he wanted something, he just went out and bought it. If she...

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I Trusted Him

I trusted him. So, we opened a joint account. We were both working and soon I set it up so my paycheck was direct deposited. We used it to pay our bills.I trusted him. So, we bought a house. I had the final say and gave him part of the down payment from my savings. I...

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After Midnight

There was a rule in our home growing up (ok, several rules, but one pertinent to this post): we were not allowed to call someone on the phone after 9pm. Back in those days, there were no cell phones and no texting. If you wanted to call someone, you picked up the...

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