Divorce is a challenging life event at any age, but it brings unique considerations and complications for those in retirement. Retired individuals must approach the divorce process with careful attention to their financial stability, lifestyle, and long-term...
Collections and enforcement post divorce and post litigation – beware!
While for some people receiving a final judgement and decree of divorce means freedom and the end of divorce nightmare and financial difficulties, for others the final order marks the beginning of a new excruciating phase called “post -judgement collections”,...
How to Co-Parent with an Ex You Hate
Co-parenting can be challenging, especially when you don't get along with your ex. But for the sake of your children, it's essential to find a way to work together. Let's look at practical tips and insights to help you co-parent effectively, even if you and your ex...
Divorce Planning: Step by Step Guide
Divorce can feel overwhelming, but being prepared can make the process smoother. This guide will walk you through essential steps and considerations to help you plan effectively for this significant life change. What Is Divorce Planning? Divorce planning involves...
What to do when you can’t do anything right
The front door closes, and before there is a “hello,” “how was your day,” “happy you’re home” my spouse’s voice rings out with annoyance from the living room: “Why did you park in the driveway?? The kids were going to play with sidewalk chalk. Because of you, now they...
Empty Nest Divorce: Understanding and Moving Forward
The house is quiet. The kids have moved out, leaving behind empty rooms and memories. For many couples, this transition brings a mix of emotions. While some find new adventures together, others face the reality that their partnership is no longer fulfilling. This is...
Simple, Effective Ways to Overcome a Narcissistic Ex-Spouse
When dealing with a narcissistic ex, it’s essential to prioritize your own emotional well-being and the well-being of your children. Here are some strategies to help you overcome a narcissistic ex: Minimize contact: High-conflict people love to engage in psychological...
Understanding Alimony in Georgia: A Detailed Guide for Navigating Spousal Support
In the realm of divorce, alimony can often become one of the most critical discussions. What is Alimony? Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a financial obligation imposed by a court on one spouse to provide support to the other spouse during or after a...
Divorce: A Personal Packing List
Divorce is often characterized as one of life's most stressful events, and for good reason. It's a time of profound change, upheaval, and uncertainty, during which individuals may experience a wide range of emotions, from sadness and anger to anxiety and fear. In...
The Art of the Emergency Hearing
Going through divorce is hard enough. Facing a custody battle with your soon to be ex can be excruciating. Losing a loved one in the face of having children or grandchildren who need your help, your care, all of this is new territory, something unfamiliar and...