The story of a Houston, Texas man recently sentenced to 180 days in jail after overpaying his child support has caught the attention of many in social media and I have been asked to weigh in. A while back, Mr. Clifford Hall was ordered to pay an increase in child...
Month: February 2014
Sales pitches in family law, don’t buy the hype.
Tonight's post on family law sale's pitches was written by our Marietta attorney, Darrin Keaton.We often hear advertisements about items that promise more than they could possibly deliver and seem to good to be true. Does that device really cook a roast in a minute?...
Split Custody, Split Perspective
Tonight's post on Custody was written by our Lawrenceville family law attorney, Wesley Wilson.When prospective clients first walk into my office I always ask them the key question, "what do you want to gain from this case?". For most, their most important concern is...
Divorce at Valentines Day; Spread the Love
Tonight's post about Divorce at Valentines Day was written by our Savannah family law attorney, David Purvis.At first blush, Valentine's Day is a bit of an odd topic for a family law blog. Often, the work of family law can feel quite love-less. One of the benefits of...
An Introduction to Fulton County Family Court
Tonight's post comes from one of our fine, Atlanta, Fulton County family law attorneys, Lindsey Harrison.Today I wanted to take a moment to give a brief rundown on the process for navigating a case through the Fulton Family Law Division. They do things a little bit...
Divorce, The Calm Before The Storm
Right now, all of us in the Metropolitan Atlanta area are axiously awaiting the impending storm, the storm that could be of historic proportions. It bears down upon us like a Cat Four hurricane. Count yourself lucky tonight, Savannah.We are watching all...
One big, happy family? Well that was quite the experience!
Last week may be one for the record books. At least we hope so. The perfect storm descended upon us in the metro Atlanta area consisting of conflicting weather predictions, a rapidly moving snow/ice storm, a collective, simultaneous public awakening and...