Though I grew up in an 800-population town, my goals have always been to see and experience the world. My undergraduate degree is a B.A. in International Relations and in law school, I received a certificate for an International Law concentration. I have always known...
Human Rights
Fear of the Unknown
Growing up in a rural town with a mere population of 800 people and with a graduating class of only 36 students, I was delayed from experiencing much of a range of diversity in both belief systems and culture. Within my town I observed vicious racism, sexism,...
A Very Happy Unbirthday! Going Down the Rabbit Hole of Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill
In anticipation of a challenge to Roe v. Wade, the case which in 1973 set the precedent that abortion could not be made entirely inaccessible as a private medical matter, many states including Georgia created new legislation. There were two primary categories to this...
Independence Day, Post Freedom
China has a new policy on having children. Forever, they have had a one child policy; women were permitted only one child and no more or they suffered severe penalties, then China graduated to a two child policy. Now, China has opened up its policy to allow women to...
You Are More Than Just A Victim
I have lived on all of the continents—the only exception being Antarctica. I have immersed myself in contrasting cultures, unique cuisines, and elaborate adventures. I have been chased by a rhino in Tanzania, jumped onto a moving train in Sri Lanka, and went...
Nowadays, social media is obsessed with private information in the wake of vaccination mandates by business for both customers and employees. While exemptions have to be provided, those businesses are given the right to evaluate someone’s application for an exemption,...
In the Shadows of RBG
"I said on the equality side of it, that it is essential to a woman's equality with man that she be the decision-maker, that her choice be controlling." -Ruth Bader GinsburgThe world was recently rocked with the news of the passing of the legendary, iconic Ruth Bader...