Tonight’s post on Legitimation was written by one of our Atlanta Family Law Attorneys, Khismatulina, Dina. Several days ago, our downtown Atlanta office received a call from an elderly gentleman who stated that he desperately wanted to establish relations with his...
A New Year; A New You
Happy New Years. Welcome to 2019 and the new you. Often you hear the phrase "New Year, New You." This notion is meant to inspire change and improvement in the new year, to start fresh. The new year can be just that for unwed fathers. Make 2019 the year you change and...
Legitimation in The Walking Dead – Team Shane or Team Rick?
Kind of a Halloween pondering on Legitimation, it seems, from our Marietta and Atlanta divorce attorney, Megan McClinton.One night early in the zombie apocalypse universe of The Walking Dead, Shane, the best friend and police partner to our anti-hero Rick Grimes, has...
Legitimation: Putting off Fatherhood Until it is Too Late!
Tonight's post on moving quickly in legitimation was written by our Lawrenceville and Gainesville divorce attorney, Jennifer Thuy-Tien McCall.We address the importance of quickly legitimating children on our blog often and for good reason. Until an unwed biological...
Legitimation: Don’t Wait, Legitimate!
Tonight's post on legitimation was written by Savannah Family Law Attorney, David Purvis.It's a regular story during my consultations with biological Fathers. A child was born some years back (sometimes 15 or 16 years back). Child was born out of love and out of...
Legitimation the easy way or the hard way.
Family law is all about the most delicate, trying moments of our lives. There is nothing that will call forth angst like a family dispute. There is nothing that challenges the deepest of ethics like a deteriorating relationship. There is nothing that...
Legitimation – Let Your Buddy Tell You
Tonight's post on Legitimation was written by our Lawrenceville Family Law attorney, Wesley Wilson.A friend of mine recently had a baby with his live-in girlfriend. A couple of days into fatherhood, I decided that I should pull him aside and speak to him about his...