Tonight's post on marriage was written by our Gainesville divorce and family law attorney, Jennifer Thuy-Tien McCall. has always fervently supported equal rights and represented parties in same-sex relationships. People in same-sex...
Month: June 2015
Family Law: It’s All About Equality
This was some week, wasn't it? First, we saw the ACA "ObamaCare" survive Supreme Court challenge, next we witnessed that same Supreme Court finally grant homosexuals equal status with heterosexuals and last, we saw a partial sea change in race relations from removal...
Attacking the Divorce Decree – How to Right the Wrong
Tonight's How To post was written by our Marietta divorce attorney, Jeannine Lowery.It's always best to get the terms of divorce you're entitled to the first time around. But some times that's not possible because one spouse hides assets, or commits fraud, and...
Divorce: Ex Parte Gone Wrong
Tonight's post about the abuse of ex parte in divorce was written by our Savannah divorce attorney, David Purvis.I have written before on ex parte hearings in family law. It's an area I am passionate about because it is a process that is often abused with terrible...
International Family Law: Dad who went the extra thousand miles.
A shout out tonight to one particular father who didn't go the extra mile, he went the extra thousand miles. We just finished his international family law case and I couldn't be more proud to know him.He left his home, lock, stock and barrel and moved to a foreign...
Motion to Produce the Children
Tonight's post on producing children was written by our Marietta divorce attorney, Alyssa Blanchard.So you've filed for divorce. As far as you are concerned, this may be the best decision that you have ever made. You have fallen out of love, you are ready to move on...
Children: Blurred Lines
Tonight's post about children and blurred lines was written by our Lawrenceville attorney, Brandy Alexander.Children, especially teenage children, often blur the line of adult and child. By the time they reach their teen years we adults have begun to encourage...
Family Law: 3 Crimes To Know Before You Go Columbo – Part I
Tonight's post on unexpected crimes in family law was written by our Atlanta Divorce Attorney, Cherese Clark.Family law comes packed with juicy stories of salacious affairs, nanny cams, and "smoking gun evidence that cracks the case. Parties run to their...
Open and Honest Discovery in Family Law
Tonight's post about the intersection of ethics of family law and discovery was written by Jennifer Thuy-Tien McCall who heads up our newest office in Gainesville.People often imagine shocking moments unfolding in court: a surprise witness, a video that proves...
Very Bad Judges
Judges are as diverse as the people they serve. Some are brilliant, committed jurists who deeply care about law and doing right. Some have elevators that don't quite reach the top floor. And some are very, very bad people.For example: Mark Fuller, an...