Month: December 2016

A Christmas Mediation

I will never forget that day. It was cold, wet, gray, even dreary and just a few days before Christmas.The couple were gathered with their attorneys and the mediator in the small conference room. They looked across the table at each other with some sadness, some...

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Refocus and Engage

It's easy to lose sight of the important things in life throughout the year, but particularly during the holiday season. A time of year that was once nothing but fun as a child can very easily become the most stressful months of the year for adults. End-of-the...

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Too Late

Timing is everything in family law. "The early bird gets the worm," and "you snooze, you lose," operate like comandments in our arena. 1) Mom had handled almost all of the case by herself. She had worked her way through discovery, through the appointment and...

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Ownership of Money

Twenty year marriage. Two children, both still under the age of eighteen. Husband has worked throughout the marriage. Wife has been a stay-at-home mother, raising the children and maintaining the house. That was the agreement, way back when the couple had their first...

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My First Consult

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 I was officially sworn in as an attorney in the State of Georgia. One week later I had the privilege of handling my first consultation. To be candid, I was nervous. Family law is a delicate area of the law. Mothers and fathers, wives and...

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