Month: May 2015

Family Law: Walking the Walk

Tonight's post about demonstrating committment to family law was written by one of our Marietta divorce attorneys, Naomi Lumpkin.Last Wednesday, I ventured out to Amelia Island for some fun in the sun and "Family Law Boot Camp" of sorts. This was my first time...

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Family Law Conference, 2015

The biggest annual event of the family law bar year has come and gone.  Everyone who lives, eats and breathes family law down to those who practice family law on an occasional basis, travel down to Florida sun, sand and seas for an intensive three day conference...

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You read that right, Family Law, GAINESVILLE STYLE.I am so very pleased and excited to announce that we have opened a sixth Manely Firm Office, this time in the heart of Gainesville, Georgia!Our office is located on the Square, occupying the second floor above the...

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Discovery: A Necessary Evil

Trust runs at a pretty high premium in our day-to-day lives, and once that trust is broken it can be very hard to rebuild. This is especially true in family law cases, and many times clients come to us seeking to restructure their families based on a lack of trust....

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Contempt Wars

Tonight's post about Contempt Wars was written by our Atlanta divorce attorney, Dina Khismatulina.The Final Divorce Decree is entered, custody arrangements are determined, child support is calculated according to the Georgia guidelines, and a detailed parenting plan...

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