
How Old is Old Enough?

Every so often, I get a question related to children being left home without adult supervision; the particular inquiry being at what age a parent can do that without consequence of the legal variety. My short, immediate answer is always it depends (ugh yes, I know)....

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You don’t need me to tell you that children are very impressionable.  They imprint on pretty much everything that you say and do.  You set their standards.  You establish what is normal, what is acceptable, what they should tolerate, what they should seek for...

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Anchored in the Community

Thursday night, the stars shined brightly in downtown Savannah as The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire held it’s 7th annual fundraiser.  The Mediation Center serves all of Southeast Georgia, providing civil and domestic mediation services, peer mediation...

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How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? Did you make any? Are you still adhering to them? Did you start a new diet? A new workout regimen? Start a personal growth journey? These are all goals. One approach to setting goals is to look at yourself and your...

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