A Day of Peace

by | Sep 28, 2022 | Family Law, Firm News, Savannah

On Sunday, September 25th, The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire celebrated the Savannah Day of Peace: Peace in the Park. This was an international peace-building event that, locally, recognized five peace-builders in our community, had a peace walk through Daffin Park, had food trucks, a wellness area, and lots of vendors with free swag galore!

The United Nations General Assembly declared September 21st as the International Day of Peace “as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.” The 2022 Theme for the International Day of Peace was: End Racism. Build Peace.

The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire is at the forefront in leading peace-building initiatives in our community. Along with providing excellent mediation services to parties with pending litigation cases, The Mediation Center also provides Parenting Seminars, Peer-to-Peer mediation support for youth, a Parent-Teen class, restorative counseling, and conflict resolution training.

The five Peace-builders recognized by The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire at the event were: Mayor Van Johnson, Reverend Da’Henri Thurmond, Lizann Youmans Roberts, Kennedy Riley, and Magic Mark Dunston. We are grateful to all five of these community leaders for their ongoing efforts in our community at building peace!

The Manely Firm, P.C. was proud to be a “Peacemaker” sponsor of the Savannah Day of Peace. Alongside our friends at the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Safe Shelter, Live Oak Public Libraries, and many others, we had a great time at the event as one of the sponsors and vendors. Peace-building is at the center of our approach to family law. Family Law cases can often be anything but peaceful and understandably so. Our approach as attorneys is to try and guide the parties to a peaceful resolution of their family law case so that the parties and their children have a future that is not rife with stress and hostility.

Here’s to wishing for peace at home and abroad. Our emphasis is on peace at home, of course.

David Purvis
