All Family Law, All Around the WorldSM

David Purvis

After Midnight

There was a rule in our home growing up (ok, several rules, but one pertinent to this post): we were not allowed to call someone on the phone after 9pm. Back in those days, there were no cell phones and no texting. If you wanted to call someone, you picked up the...

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Help! My Lawyer Won’t Let Me Settle My Case

She walked out of his office more frustrated with her attorney than she was with her soon-to-be ex-husband. They had finally found a moment away from their new interests and had come to an agreement on everything. The children, the finances (including the credit card...

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The Counselor Is Wrong!

He had finally convinced her to go to counseling. It had taken years and, having been left unchecked, things had progressively gotten worse. After the first child, things eased up a bit. Maybe even got a little better. But more time passed, and things got rough again....

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King Solomon and COVID19

Many of you are familiar with the Old Testament story of King Solomon. Two women were claiming to be the mother of the same child. King Solomon was called to decide the issue. He announced that he would cut the baby in half and each woman would receive one-half. The...

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Co-Parenting in the Time of COVID-19

"Here's what I suggest we do regarding Junior's school closings. Agree with me, or I'll take it to the highest authority."Ok. Not an exact quote, but pretty close and the basic approach that this particular opposing party has taken throughout his case.There isn't a...

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On Time

I was at the birthday party of a young child in my family yesterday. The little guy turned two years old. Over and over throughout the day you heard the refrain "Can you believe it's been two years already?!?" That refrain will be heard annually on his birthdays and...

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That’s How I was Raised

We all want better for our children. Better educations, better jobs, better options, better opportunities, better lives. It's part of our fabric as human beings. Many of us can look back over the generations that have come before us and track a steady upward...

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You’re Just Like Your Mother!

"You are always on my case!" she screams as she slams her door."You're 15 years old and in my house you're not allowed to sneak in and out of my house at night," he fires back.The door is flung open. She's going to have the last word.He beats her to the punch."You are...

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