Co-Parenting in the Time of COVID-19

by | Mar 16, 2020 | Relationships

“Here’s what I suggest we do regarding Junior’s school closings. Agree with me, or I’ll take it to the highest authority.”

Ok. Not an exact quote, but pretty close and the basic approach that this particular opposing party has taken throughout his case.

There isn’t a blueprint for how we respond to the impact that isolation, quarantines, and social distancing and how it impacts our co-parenting situations. At the Firm, we are experienced in crisis management and strategy development in myriad other scenarios and so the lessons we have learned over time are applicable today, even under such novel circumstances. In each of the cases I’ve dealt with just today, a different, measured approach has been needed in resolving the issues presented by this Covid-19 pandemic.

The Best Interest of the Child should be the lens through which these decisions are made. Does it make sense to put a child on an airplane just to accomplish spring break visitation? Would it make better sense to tack on that week onto summer vacation visitation and have more video calls? Would it make sense to expand visitation with Dad or leave the child in one location and not venture into the outside world over and over and over and over for the next few weeks. The Best Interest of the Child will be how the Judge views the decisions being made when the courthouses reopen after this crisis ends. Not the Best Interest of the Parent and, unfortunately, the hindsight will not always remember the fear and panic underlying the decisions and conversations being made this week. A calming touch is as important as ever when facing a panicked ex.

Not sure how to respond to your ex’s demands or your ex’s use of the coronavirus to try and win a disagreement? Call us. We have decades of experience in managing crises in the context of family law, whether its hurricanes, ice storms, or, worldwide pandemic. We are open for business, the only difference is that we are all working remotely. We are available by phone and video conference when you need us. We are on top of what the courthouses in our areas are doing in response to this ever-evolving crisis. This isn’t our first rodeo.

If you need to run a few questions by us, call us. We’re in.

David Purvis
