New Beginnings – A second chance at life and lessons learned

A wish for peace, joy and love for you and your families in 2024.

On Mar 1, 2023, my life fundamentally changed. I remember staring at the MRI report reading “significant renal mass.” The words were confusing, medical terminology that I had briefly encountered, but they were scary words.  I remember just being shocked and extremely scared. What would this mean for me, my family, my friends, my business?  A flood of emotions came over me. I was always empathetic to my clients but for the first this really hit home and as I began this scary cancer journey.

The next few weeks were a flurry of doctor’s appointments, MRI scans, blood tests, making sure my Trust, Will and Advance Health Care Directives were up to date, looking at the beneficiaries of my life insurance policies, checking my disability insurance for both  personal and business, all the while feeling a flood of emotions and trying to keep it together for my family.

It was only because of my wonderful network and their kindness that I was ultimately given the best care from Emory Winship Cancer – We wanted the best doctor Dr. Viraj Masters,  Professor and Fray F. Marshall Chair in Clinical Urologic Research, Department of Urology, Director of Integrative Oncology and Survivorship And the Director of Clinical Research, Department of Urology Emory University School of Medicine oncologist to handle my care.

It was my amazing and thoughtful network that led me to him. My best friend, assistant Public Defender Daniel Eisinger connected me with his sister, Tzipora Sarah Karin Eisinger, PhD (Ann B. Young Assistant Professor in Cancer Research Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania) who recommended that I go to Winship Cancer Center. Thankfully, my close friend Dr. Audrey Aurona Director of Gwinnett and Rockdale Public Health recommended I see Dr. Anglade who made the  direct recommendation to Dr. Viraj Masters, saying he was  “the man” because he could handle my watermelon stage 3 tumor.

I asked for help from my family and network to see if anyone knew him. My cousin Xyndi Placer and her husband Eric Lomboy asked her sister Diane Barnes who worked for Dr. Viraj Masters to help me get an appointment. Then, my wonderful professional organizer and my sister’s best friend, Lara Anderson from Leave it to Lara who knew Dr. Masters wife asked for me to see him.  By the time I went to my first appointment with him, Dr. Masters knew he was going to take my case as all these wonderful people were advocating for me. This reiterated for me the power of relationships and networking.

My amazing support village consisted of my friends, family – WIGs (Women’s Introduction Group, GAPABA Family, HIVE, Turks Tribe and My Tribe) and Gwinnett County community, my network, the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Board and Saint John Neumann Church which surrounded me with so much love, support and encouragement during this difficult time.

This cancer journey made me evaluate what was most important in my life.  To me, that was to live each day with joy, love and purpose. I wanted to live my mission, to help families and people who own businesses that may be going through what I went through; and I also wanted to be surrounded by people who encourage me to grow and to provide the best service to my clients and who value client relationships, family and diversity in the way that I do. I was blessed to find it in the Manely Firm P.C. where the people in the firm exemplify this every day.

Without my family, friends and network I would not be here today reflecting on this journey. To my linkedin family I share these life lessons; never give up faith, learn to trust and lean on those in your network and life, and live with purpose.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help navigating life’s issues or planning for them. I truly want to help. and 770-421-0808.

Cherish De La Cruz
