In Georgia, grandparents play a crucial role in the lives of their grandchildren. Whether it’s providing emotional support, financial assistance, or simply stepping in when parents are unable to care for their children, grandparents are often the unsung heroes of many...
Cara Schlosser
What Words Should You Use in a Custody Case?
When it comes to custody cases, the words you choose can significantly influence the outcome. Whether you're preparing documents, speaking in court, or discussing matters with your attorney, using the right language can make a world of difference. This article aims to...
Empty Nest Divorce: Understanding and Moving Forward
The house is quiet. The kids have moved out, leaving behind empty rooms and memories. For many couples, this transition brings a mix of emotions. While some find new adventures together, others face the reality that their partnership is no longer fulfilling. This is...
Business Estate Planning Made Simple
Running a business is no small feat, and planning for its future can feel overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. This guide will walk you through the essentials of business estate planning, offering tips and insights to make the process more straightforward. Whether...
Should I File First for Divorce?
Deciding to end a marriage is never an easy decision. It’s often accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions, questions, and uncertainties about the future. One of the initial questions you might find yourself asking is: “Should I file first for divorce?” This question is...
Parallel Parenting to Help Lower Conflict
Dealing with the aftermath of a divorce can be challenging, especially when children are involved. For parents entrenched in high-conflict situations, the conventional wisdom surrounding co-parenting might seem like an unattainable situation. This is where parallel...