All Family Law, All Around the WorldSM

Michael Manely

Your Day in Court?

Suppose you could accomplish your objectives without having to have a hearing, without having to go to Court to get it resolved. Wouldn't you want to do that?Most people feel that way. Most people don't want the stress, the cost and the uncertainty of putting on the...

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Mental Health and Family Law I

At some point, everyone in a relationship thinks their significant other is somewhat crazy. But what if they really are?I know that crazy is a loaded term and highly disfavored. But if you are in the middle of your significant other's breakdown, "crazy" is the most...

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The World Turned Upside Down, Part II

"You can't wait until ... this thing blows over because that might not happen for quite some time." (The World Turned Upside Down, Part I)Suppose you are not in a physically abusive relationship. Suppose that you aren't succumbing to an addiction. The duration of the...

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The World Turned Upside Down

Six months. We've lived in this alternate universe now for six months. And what's more, there is no end in sight. Some big companies are telling their employees to plan to work remotely through the summer of 2021. Of course, that's still a whole year away.As some...

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An Ounce of Prevention …

Sarah was lonely. She had been lonely for so long. She had to consult a calendar to figure out the last time that she and Bobby had been intimate. No matter how hot the summer became, the house was always cold.Sarah couldn't take it anymore. Anderson was cute. He was...

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Every Tom, Dick and Harry

Sally was sitting at home. Actually, Sally was stewing at home. She kind of felt that way a lot these days. Fred had gotten on her last nerve before the Coronavirus and being locked in the house with him for two months was finally more than she could stand. He had to...

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Being, Not Just Doing

It seems that it was just a few weeks ago that we were going about our normal lives. (It was.) We jumped out of bed; hurried to get the kids off to school; rushed to work; put in our full-time plus; hurried home to get the kids; get them fed and off to their...

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