Mooting a Master

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Family Law

Sitting on the other side of bench is an eye opening experience. As attorneys we are focused on the representation of our clients and preparing arguments to present to the Court. It is not often, if ever, we prepare to hear arguments, to sit as a judge. But, that is the benefit of being part of a team, a heck of a team, of attorneys. We can come together and assist each other in listening to arguments, assessing arguments, and advising each other on how to improve arguments. We can sit in the role of a judge and provide insight to each other. Here at The Manely Firm, P.C. we have ten attorneys, a team of attorneys, who support each other.

The past few days, I had the privilege of sitting in the role of judge, with two other attorneys, on a moot court and listening to one of our attorneys prepare and present an argument on the deligitimation/legitimation of a child. That argument, well thought out and well prepared, was presented to the Georgia Court of Appeals.

And here’s the thing about arguing cases, there are infinite ways to prepare a case and argue it. There are numerous details, cases, pieces of evidence that can be used in presenting cases. The key is finding a good attorney, a good law firm, who will exhaust all their efforts, all their resources, to go through all of those arguments and use their experience, use those resources, to find the best argument for you. Those resources include research, experience, and fellow attorneys to share argument with and present arguments to. That is how we as attorneys hone in on what is the best argument for you.

When you are looking for a law firm you want experience, you want a good reputation, you want a winner. But how do you determine that? How do you find the best fit? A law firm filled with attorneys who will support you and each other is the way to go. Because when you have a firm that not only supports you, but support each other, you get not just one attorney, who get the whole team. A team that will share their collective knowledge with one another to fight for you, to fight for your case, to fight for the right result.

So, when I got to sit as a judge, yes it was eye opening. It gave me a different perspective, a new perspective, a new way to think. It gave me one more tool, one more resource to help prepare cases, to help clients, to . . . help.

Bill King
