All Family Law, All Around the WorldSM

Kourtney Bernard-Rance

Virtual Litigation

COVID-19 has thrust the Georgia judicial system into the age of technology. The courts and their staff as well as attorneys across the state have spent the last three months mobilizing in order to accommodate the new paradigm composed of social distancing and remote...

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Best Interest of the Pet?

Pets are family. This is the general consensus among pet parents and when asked, a firm assertion without hesitation confirming the same is expected. Our furry friends provide us comfort when we need it most, entertainment when we're desperate for a laugh and...

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Social Distancing and Divorce

At this point, you've likely seen any or all of the following, lighthearted posts on social media. The basketball fan who cannot indulge in March Madness because the NCAA indefinitely suspended the remainder of the season, and is now faced with actual conversation...

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