How Substance Abuse May Impact A Divorce

Addiction and substance abuse are often difficult for all members of a family. In addition to the many other factors in a divorce, substance abuse can complicate the process. It is important to work with an attorney who can help you prepare for the steps ahead.

Our divorce lawyers at The Manely Firm, P.C., treat all clients with respect – no matter what circumstances they or their family members face. We remain focused on getting the best possible results for you. Our family law experience and dedication to Georgia families give us the tools to seek fair outcomes.

Both Children And Finances Are At Stake

In a divorce court case, the judge must be fair to both parties while considering many factors of their lives, including substance abuse. However, it is important for your attorney to work hard to voice your perspective throughout the divorce.

Child custody is one of the main issues that drug and alcohol use could affect in a divorce. Drug or alcohol use would not automatically disqualify a parent from receiving custody. Regardless, a judge might not grant child custody if they think children might be at risk of neglect, abuse or exposure to hazards in the home. Depending on the case, a skilled attorney can work to either highlight these dangers or show that the parent is making strides in their recovery.

It is also possible for a serious addiction to impact property division. If one spouse used marital money or other property to significantly fund an addiction, they may be more likely to get a smaller share of assets or a larger portion of marital debt. Our lawyers are attentive to all financial details of both the marriage and our clients’ future needs.

We Will Advocate For Your Future

We understand that divorce can be intimidating, especially when facing a sensitive topic like substance abuse. Our goal is to protect your interests throughout your case. For a consultation, call one of our Georgia offices at 866-687-8561 or send an email today.