Support And Guidance In Georgia Surrogacy Matters

Wonderful advances in medicine have created opportunities for couples of all kinds to have children. Surrogacy, or having a woman donate eggs, conceive or carry a child for someone else, is one of these advances.

At The Manely Firm, P.C., we understand the intricacies and legal nuances of surrogacy. We also understand how to prepare for this process so that everyone who is involved understands their roles and obligations.

Assistance With Many Facets Of Surrogacy

Because it is a relatively new process and can be complex, it is wise to seek experienced counsel when it comes to matters of surrogacy. We know you want the best outcome, and we will help you get it. We can assist:

  • Couples who are searching for a surrogate
  • Women who are providing surrogacy for a couple
  • Clients who are using IVF and who are not using their own egg(s) or the eggs of a surrogate
  • Clients who are using traditional artificial insemination, using their own egg and a donor’s semen, or surrogate egg(s) and/or a donor’s semen
  • LGBTQ couples using IVF or surrogacy

For couples who want to ensure that the process, responsibilities and roles are clear to all involved, it is crucial to create written agreements that are understood and signed by all participating parties. We will work with you to create agreements that address the many issues that could arise before, during and after the pregnancy or surrogacy. We also assist those serving as surrogates so that they understand their role and rights under Georgia fertility law.

Get The Surrogacy And IVF Guidance You Need

Because it is still a relatively new process, laws are inconsistent when it comes to surrogacy. It is wise to seek counsel as early as possible. We can help. Call 866-687-8561 and speak with a member of our team about your specific situation. You can reach us by sending a confidential website email. With offices in Atlanta, Marietta, Lawrenceville and Savannah, we serve clients throughout the state of Georgia.