Set Your Compass

If life deals you lemons, you may as well make lemonade out of them, right? We’re all about self-improvement here at The Manely Firm, especially for clients going through a challenging time like a divorce. Even though the family crisis presents an opportunity to improve your life, the real question is whether you want to improve yourself ... CONTINUE READING

Why Sally MacDonald Is the Backbone of Our Law Library

At The Manely Firm, our passionate staff members contribute significantly to the team and are dedicated to giving their best to clients. Our law librarian, Sally MacDonald, makes our attorneys’ work that much smoother. From researching the laws impacting our cases to organizing our extensive research library, Sally brings a dedication to justice and exceptional organizational skills to this exciting new role ... CONTINUE READING

Score Big With Kid-Friendly Tailgates

Football season is underway, and many Americans will start spending their Saturdays and Sundays tailgating in stadium parking lots. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to an NFL or college game; tailgating is a great way to spend time with your friends and family before the big game. While many tailgates consist of adult activities like drinking alcohol and blasting loud music, many prefer to make it a family affair ... CONTINUE READING

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