“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart.” Maya Angelou Late spring is a very busy time for family law lawyers as...
Dina Khismatulina
Spicing Up Lawrenceville
On July 15th, The Manely Firm spiced up our lives by participating in sponsoring a night of throwback fun with Simply Spice-the ultimate Spice Girls cover concert. This concert was one of a series featured in Lawrenceville's Live in the DTL Concert Series The event...
Health is not valued till sickness comes
New COVID-19 cases continue to be reported every day in the State of Georgia. Just last Thursday, 24,000 new cases were reported, according to the data of the Georgia Department of Public Health. We, at The Manely Firm, have been extra vigilant following CDC...
Our New Atlanta Office!
With over 30% of Georgia's population already vaccinated, things are starting to slowly return back to normal, whatever “the new normal” means. I am truly excited to be able to see clients and potential clients in person after a long period of doing things almost...
Georgia Mandates 50/50 Parenting Time? Could Be! Part II
As I wrote a few days ago, Georgia General Assembly is considering a bill that would mandate 50/50 parenting time unless refuted by clear and convincing evidence. There is more in this proposed statute which we’ll consider tonight. Many members of the Family Law Bar...
Georgia Mandates 50/50 Parenting Time? Could Be!
A very controversial piece of proposed legislation has been introduced in the Georgia General Assembly. It is titled HB 96. It is sponsored by several people including representative Jasmine Clark from District 108. If HB96 becomes law it will tremendously change...
Involved in divorce or high conflict custody litigation? Get Therapy!
Reflecting on my years of practicing in Georgia as well as my litigation and practice experience in Russia, it is still very hard for me to understand the level of hostility between the parties in divorce and custody cases. I understand that things cannot be easy if a...
No one can whistle a symphony
"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” – Henry Ford While reflecting on the events that took place in 2020, the year that...
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
2020 has been an interesting year so far, to say the least. We are living through pandemic and we are all in the same boat - sailing through some uncharted territory.Considering that family courts are still very slow to react to anything other than absolute...
New Questions in Family Law Related to COVID 19
I hope you all are doing well, dear readers. Governor Kemp's announcement that shelter in place will be extended in Georgia until the end of April has been difficult for the majority of the people. The quarantine in Georgia so far is not as effective as we hoped. The...