Are drop off issues causing you stress?

Your kids are your world. Like most good parents in Georgia, you want what is best for them. You also want to make sure the divorce process doesn’t cause them so much stress that they have trouble moving forward to your new lifestyle as a family. While you understand that several challenges may arise when negotiating your new parenting plan, you’re most concerned about visitation issues, specifically the process of transporting your children between homes.

In short, you want to make sure to get everything in writing regarding dropping off and picking up your children. Your former spouse tends to take advantage of such situations as though they are opportunities to cause you anxiety or to provoke you into arguments in front of your kids. This is not acceptable, and you want to make sure you reduce the possibility of such problems occurring as much as you can.

Things to consider regarding visitation drop off issues

The good news is that you can customize your parenting agreement to fit your needs and focus on your children’s best interests. Regarding transporting your kids for visits with their other parent, you want to make sure to include any instruction or specification you think is important in your written plan. The following tips can be useful to ensure a thoroughly written agreement:

  • The most basic question to answer in your parenting plan regarding visitation transportation is who will be driving the kids each way. It’s also a good idea to have backup drivers in place as well, in case a parent is unable to drive for some reason.
  • If you are not the parent picking up children at school on a particular day, or from some other location, your transportation agreement should definitely include instructions regarding child seat restraints and procedures for pickup or drop off.
  • You may feel the need to meet your former spouse in a more secure location during your regular transfer meetings. Many Georgia areas have neutral drop off zones, sometimes located on police department property. There is often video surveillance at such sites as well.

The main point is to execute a parenting and visitation plan that allows you to have peace of mind concerning your children’s transportation and visits with their other parent. No post-divorce situation is perfect, so you should expect good days and bad days. If you have serious concerns or are currently facing legal problems regarding a proposed plan or an existing court order, you can reach out for support.

Many Georgia parents rely on family law attorneys to help them seek immediate resolution to custody and visitation problems. If someone tries to undermine your rights as a parent or places your children at risk in some way, you do not have to sit back and let the chips fall where they may. You have options.
