Mothers, Through Thick and Thin

by | May 8, 2016 | Family Law

Happy Mother’s Day to all my colleagues, clients, and friends!

As Family Law attorneys, we get a chance to see different families and different relations every day. But one thing is constant – mothers’ love support, heal, nurture, and protect.

Still fresh in memory are days when mothers actually had to sacrifice their lives for their children during the wars: by giving their kids all their rations in concentration camps, covering them during bombing, fighting on the forefront shoulder to shoulder with men. Such horror is still going on in some countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

Every day, fighting for the life of the children is not limited to the countries with armed conflicts and wars. To this day, mothers around the world struggle. Somewhere in the world, every fifteen seconds a child dies of hunger. And hunger is not just a problem in the foreign countries. Per 2014 statistics, even in the United States, 15.3 million children lived in food -insecure households.

Even when it’s not a life and death situation – it takes a real hero to work several jobs to put children through school, to stay up late at night after working hard to help children with their homework or to stay awake all night when they are sick. We all know that a majority of all that hard work is going unnoticed, as we understand how hard it is to be a mother when we become parents.

Let’s celebrate our everyday heroines – Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world, struggling through all their adversities and loving their children all the same!

Dina Khismatulina
