Family Law Summit – What An Honor

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2015 | Family Law

Shelia and I are honored to be invited to the Family Law Summit sponsored by the Honoring Families Initiative of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS). We are attending the Summit this week at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.

The Summit is a partnership between IAALS and a national steering committee comprised of leaders from the American Bar Association Section of Family Law, the Association of Family and Concilliation Courts (AFCC), the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

Along with approximately 30 other family law professionals across the nation, Shelia and I were invited as national “thought leaders,” “to facilitate change in the system for resolving family conflict and parenting disputes” with a goal of achieving “better outcomes for children and greater accessibility, efficiency, and fairness for all parties.”

In our work, we are divided into small groups to tackle specific issues that our family law litigants face in today’s legal climate, crafting innovative solutions to the myriad of problems arising, not just in their homes, their separation and the restructuring of their lives, but confronting them as they try to navigate the legal system’s present requirements, as they hope to receive a fair and just outcome.

At the end of the Summit, we will all gather together to form concrete proposals for action and approaches to implementation as we develop our next steps to improve the delivery of family law services.

I know that we do good work at The Manely Firm and at The Justice Cafe’. I know that the State Bar of Georgia and the American Bar Asociation have become quite aware of the work we are doing. Still, I’m extremely honored that Shelia and I have been included with this extraordinary gathering of national family law leaders to help steer our nation in developing the path forward in providing meaningful access to family law justice for all Americans.

Michael Manely
