Family Law Strong

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2015 | Family Law

Down Time is over.  It was needed but now it is done.  It’s time for Family Law Strong.

Family Law Strong means The Firm operating like a well oiled machine, professionally, efficiently and economically deliverying the best family law services that the State of Georgia has ever seen.

It means being a cut above in every way.

There are a few musts to use when evaluating who to hire for your family law case. Among them are:

1) One of the attorneys in the firm needs to have won a unanimous decision in a family law case from The United States Supreme Court. (Okay, I’m kidding about that one.  That kudo only goes to our firm.)

2) The firm only handles family law cases;

3) The firm is sizeable, which you need to not only maximize efficiencies and therefore minimize cost, but to ensure that your attorney has the knowledge base at their disposal that they will need; and,

4) The firm has been trying family law cases for a long, long time.  Good firms have a wide range of talent in their attorneys, some young, some not so young.  It is good to have new attorneys in the firm, some that have just started practicing in the last three years or so, but it is essential that the firm has attorneys who have been practicing for decades, not only for the knowledge base, but also for the connections that the older attorneys have made within the community.  Connections that benefit you, the client.

So Family Law Strong means all hands on deck and all sails furled.  It means engines re-charged. It means bringing the best talent to bear on a client’s case.  For The Manely Firm it means what it has always meant, the best strategic and intelligent delivery of family law services that can be found anywhere in Georgia.

Yep, that’s us.

Michael Manely

Mr. Manely’s principal office is in our headquarters in Marietta but he also serves our clients in Atlanta, Lawrenceville, Canton, Gainesville and Savannah.
