Family Law: Auspicious Occasions.

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2015 | Family Law

The Firm is nine family law attorneys strong now, always busy, always going to court, and often doing amazing things.

Tomorrow, our case will be the first to challenge Georgia’s ban on same sex marriages in State Court.  There already is a federal case underway.  On Friday, the District Court Judge there denied the State’s Motion to Dismiss the action, holding that the State’s arguments were without any factual support. 

But Federal Courts move slowly.  State Courts can move quickly.  Our family law case was filed in July of 2014 and should be tried tomorrow. After trial, we hope to have this matter heard by the State Supreme Court by the end of the year. That could mean that same sex marriage will be lawful in Georgia before Christmas!

In case you don’t already know, 36 states of these United States of America have already resolved that same sex marriage is valid.  They no longer discriminate against their citizens on the basis of sexual orientation.  Those 36 states comprise over 70% of the population of our great nation.  That means that less than 30% of our population still lives under onerous government heavy-handedness, dictating such a private issue as who the government will allow us to marry.

The ramifications of our work are huge, again! Our impact could be monumental, again!  

As I look at the auspicious work we do each and every day, I am amazed and somewhat bewildered.  I am very thankful that the good people of our fair state entrust the concerns most dear to their hearts to our determined and unrelenting hands.

Stay tuned to this case.  And mark your calendars.  The winds are changing, even in Georgia.

Michael Manely
