The Light of Reflection on Winter Solstice

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2013 | Divorce

Tonight’s post on this quiet time of year was written by our Lawrenceville attorney, John P. Smith.

The holiday season, apart from the traveling, cooking, buying and stressing, is a time when most of us reflect on the past and muse on the future of our families’ lives. As adults, the excitement and brightness of holidays sometimes can dim as we face the more mundane aspects of living. We are fortunate that, as we form relationships and have children of our own, the brightness is restored to us in their innocent nature…truly our children bring this feeling to us throughout their lives, but it seems amplified this time of year. This gift is unsolicited and unintentional…it just is. However, it does make or should make us appreciate the importance of providing our families with our individual best in trying to create and maintain an environment of caring and love that will nurture the family and ourselves…that gift must be intentional and consistent.

There may come a time when we, as adult members of a family, must decide whether to continue in partnership with our spouse. There are many motives for divorcing; some well reasoned, some a necessity, some based on temporary problems that only seem insurmountable. The process of dismantling the family environment should be at the very least be as intentional and consistent as the one that created it and with tremendous deference to the needs and feeling of children. Take time to remember when things were not contentious, remember the brightness of the past and use that to help illuminate the present so when a decision is made to dissolve a marriage and restructure a family it is done in a way to minimize the inevitable hurt and loss.

Take time to reflect and when and if you want more legal information call us at the Manely Firm, in Lawrenceville, Marietta, Atlanta, Canton or Savannah, where you will not find one attorney that will push you towards a divorce or unnecessary litigation. What you will find are compassionate professionals, many of whom have been through similar circumstances as your own, that can offer a wide variety of options that will be thoroughly discussed…allowing you to choose with informed intention the best path for you and your family. 

John P. Smith
