We are one day from opening our brand new office in Savannah, Georgia. We have been working hard to ready our office in the Capitol City Bank building for the big day. As with our other four offices, we are but a few blocks from the Courthouse, this time from the Superior Court of Chatham County.
But here’s the biggest news of all: we’ve added David Schachter to our ranks of excellent, top of their field, family law attorneys. David has been practicing in Savannah for years. David is one of the pre-eminent divorce and child custody attorneys in Chatham County and the surrounding area.
I’ve enjoyed getting to know David over the last several weeks. We’ve discussed our shared philosphy of family law: always mindful that, while couples sometimes grow apart and separate, as parents the family carries on because the children still need their parents’ care. We’ve both observed the benefits of a more holistic practice rather than the alternative, scorched earth. Still, we are both cognizant that sometimes the olive branch can be scorned, and on that occasion, there is no equal to a skilled trial attorney in the courtroom who knows how to give no quarter.
David has energy, drive and a vision for putting our Firm’s philosophy into practice. David has the skill and the know how to ennact our Firm’s excellence in family law practice in Savannah. And David has the talent to handle any family law matter in the Court room.
As Savannah has so graciously welcomed The Manely Firm, the Firm whole heartedly welcomes David Schachter to our practice. We are very happy and fortunate to have him.
Michael Manely